MySQL 5.6.14 Source Code Document
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memcached.h File Reference
#include <event.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <config_static.h>
#include <memcached/protocol_binary.h>
#include <memcached/engine.h>
#include <memcached/extension.h>
#include "cache.h"
#include "topkeys.h"
#include "sasl_defs.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include <memcached/util.h>
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struct  slab_stats
struct  thread_stats
struct  independent_stats
struct  stats
struct  settings
struct  engine_event_handler
struct  conn


#define KEY_MAX_LENGTH   250
#define DATA_BUFFER_SIZE   2048
#define UDP_READ_BUFFER_SIZE   65536
#define UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE   1400
#define UDP_HEADER_SIZE   8
#define MAX_SENDBUF_SIZE   (256 * 1024 * 1024)
#define SUFFIX_SIZE   24
#define ITEM_LIST_INITIAL   200
#define IOV_LIST_INITIAL   400
#define MSG_LIST_INITIAL   10
#define READ_BUFFER_HIGHWAT   8192
#define ITEM_LIST_HIGHWAT   400
#define IOV_LIST_HIGHWAT   600
#define MSG_LIST_HIGHWAT   100
#define MIN_BIN_PKT_LENGTH   16
#define BIN_PKT_HDR_WORDS   (MIN_BIN_PKT_LENGTH/sizeof(uint32_t))
#define POWER_SMALLEST   1
#define POWER_LARGEST   200
#define STAT_KEY_LEN   128
#define STAT_VAL_LEN   128
#define APPEND_STAT(name, fmt, val)   append_stat(name, add_stats, c, fmt, val);
#define APPEND_NUM_FMT_STAT(name_fmt, num, name, fmt, val)
#define APPEND_NUM_STAT(num, name, fmt, val)   APPEND_NUM_FMT_STAT("%d:%s", num, name, fmt, val)
#define IS_UDP(x)   (x == udp_transport)
#define LOCK_THREAD(t)
#define UNLOCK_THREAD(t)
#define drop_privileges()
#define __builtin_expect(x, expected_value)   (x)
#define likely(x)   __builtin_expect((x),1)
#define unlikely(x)   __builtin_expect((x),0)


typedef struct conn conn
typedef bool(* STATE_FUNC )(conn *)


enum  bin_substates {
  bin_no_state, bin_reading_set_header, bin_reading_cas_header, bin_read_set_value,
  bin_reading_get_key, bin_reading_stat, bin_reading_del_header, bin_reading_incr_header,
  bin_read_flush_exptime, bin_reading_sasl_auth, bin_reading_sasl_auth_data, bin_reading_packet
enum  protocol { ascii_prot = 3, binary_prot, negotiating_prot }
enum  network_transport { local_transport, tcp_transport, udp_transport }
enum  thread_type { GENERAL = 11, TAP = 13, DISPATCHER = 15 }


void notify_thread (LIBEVENT_THREAD *thread)
void notify_dispatcher (void)
bool create_notification_pipe (LIBEVENT_THREAD *me)
connconn_new (const SOCKET sfd, STATE_FUNC init_state, const int event_flags, const int read_buffer_size, enum network_transport transport, struct event_base *base, struct timeval *timeout)
int daemonize (int nochdir, int noclose)
bool register_event (conn *c, struct timeval *timeout)
bool unregister_event (conn *c)
bool update_event (conn *c, const int new_flags)
void thread_init (int nthreads, struct event_base *main_base, void(*dispatcher_callback)(int, short, void *))
void threads_shutdown (void)
int dispatch_event_add (int thread, conn *c)
void dispatch_conn_new (SOCKET sfd, STATE_FUNC init_state, int event_flags, int read_buffer_size, enum network_transport transport)
void accept_new_conns (const bool do_accept)
connconn_from_freelist (void)
bool conn_add_to_freelist (conn *c)
int is_listen_thread (void)
void STATS_LOCK (void)
void STATS_UNLOCK (void)
void threadlocal_stats_clear (struct thread_stats *stats)
void threadlocal_stats_reset (struct thread_stats *thread_stats)
void threadlocal_stats_aggregate (struct thread_stats *thread_stats, struct thread_stats *stats)
void slab_stats_aggregate (struct thread_stats *stats, struct slab_stats *out)
void append_stat (const char *name, ADD_STAT add_stats, conn *c, const char *fmt,...)
void notify_io_complete (const void *cookie, ENGINE_ERROR_CODE status)
void conn_set_state (conn *c, STATE_FUNC state)
const char * state_text (STATE_FUNC state)
void safe_close (SOCKET sfd)
int number_of_pending (conn *c, conn *pending)
bool has_cycle (conn *c)
bool list_contains (conn *h, conn *n)
connlist_remove (conn *h, conn *n)
size_t list_to_array (conn **dest, size_t max_items, conn **l)
void enlist_conn (conn *c, conn **list)
void finalize_list (conn **list, size_t items)
bool set_socket_nonblocking (SOCKET sfd)
void conn_close (conn *c)
bool conn_listening (conn *c)
bool conn_new_cmd (conn *c)
bool conn_waiting (conn *c)
bool conn_read (conn *c)
bool conn_parse_cmd (conn *c)
bool conn_write (conn *c)
bool conn_nread (conn *c)
bool conn_swallow (conn *c)
bool conn_pending_close (conn *c)
bool conn_immediate_close (conn *c)
bool conn_closing (conn *c)
bool conn_mwrite (conn *c)
bool conn_ship_log (conn *c)
bool conn_add_tap_client (conn *c)
bool conn_setup_tap_stream (conn *c)


struct stats stats
struct settings settings

Detailed Description

The main memcached header holding commonly used data structures and function prototypes.

Definition in file memcached.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define APPEND_NUM_FMT_STAT (   name_fmt,
klen = snprintf(key_str, STAT_KEY_LEN, name_fmt, num, name); \
vlen = snprintf(val_str, STAT_VAL_LEN, fmt, val); \
add_stats(key_str, klen, val_str, vlen, c);

Append an indexed stat with a stat name (with format), value format and value

Definition at line 79 of file memcached.h.

#define APPEND_NUM_STAT (   num,
)    APPEND_NUM_FMT_STAT("%d:%s", num, name, fmt, val)

Common APPEND_NUM_FMT_STAT format.

Definition at line 85 of file memcached.h.

#define APPEND_STAT (   name,
)    append_stat(name, add_stats, c, fmt, val);

Append a simple stat with a stat name, value format and value

Definition at line 74 of file memcached.h.


Size of an incr buf.

Definition at line 26 of file memcached.h.

#define IOV_LIST_INITIAL   400

Initial size of the sendmsg() scatter/gather array.

Definition at line 44 of file memcached.h.

#define ITEM_LIST_INITIAL   200

Initial size of list of items being returned by "get".

Definition at line 38 of file memcached.h.

#define KEY_MAX_LENGTH   250

Maximum length of a key.

Definition at line 23 of file memcached.h.

#define LOCK_THREAD (   t)
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&t->mutex) != 0) { \
abort(); \
} \
assert(t->is_locked == false); \
t->is_locked = true;

Definition at line 248 of file memcached.h.

#define MSG_LIST_INITIAL   10

Initial number of sendmsg() argument structures to allocate.

Definition at line 47 of file memcached.h.

#define READ_BUFFER_HIGHWAT   8192

High water marks for buffer shrinking

Definition at line 50 of file memcached.h.


Initial size of list of CAS suffixes appended to "gets" lines.

Definition at line 41 of file memcached.h.

#define UNLOCK_THREAD (   t)
assert(t->is_locked == true); \
t->is_locked = false; \
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&t->mutex) != 0) { \
abort(); \

Definition at line 255 of file memcached.h.

Function Documentation

bool conn_ship_log ( conn c)

Ship tap log to the other end. This state differs with all other states in the way that it support full duplex dialog. We're listening to both read and write events from libevent most of the time. If a read event occurs we switch to the conn_read state to read and execute the input message (that would be an ack message from the other side). If a write event occurs we continue to send tap log to the other end.

cthe tap connection to drive
true if we should continue to process work for this connection, false if we should start processing events for other connections.

Definition at line 5160 of file memcached.c.

const char* state_text ( STATE_FUNC  state)

Convert a state name to a human readable form.

Definition at line 803 of file memcached.c.

Variable Documentation

struct stats stats

exported globals

Definition at line 170 of file memcached.c.