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testsuite.clusterj.QueryLikeTest Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for testsuite.clusterj.QueryLikeTest:
Collaboration diagram for testsuite.clusterj.QueryLikeTest:

Public Member Functions

Class<?> getInstanceType ()
void test ()
void btreeIndexScanString ()
void hashIndexScanString ()
void bothIndexScanString ()
void noneIndexScanString ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from testsuite.clusterj.AbstractQueryTest
void localSetUp ()
void equalQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void likeQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void deleteEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int expected)
void equalOrEqualQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue1, String extraPropertyName, Object parameterValue2, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void equalOrInQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue1, String extraPropertyName, Object parameterValue2, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void inQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue1, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void inAndInQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue1, String extraPropertyName, Object parameterValue2, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void inAndBetweenQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue1, String extraPropertyName, Object parameterValue2, Object parameterValue3, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void betweenAndInQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue1, Object parameterValue2, String extraPropertyName, Object parameterValue3, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void greaterThanQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void greaterEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void lessThanQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void lessEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void betweenQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void greaterThanAndLessThanQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void greaterThanAndLikeQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void deleteGreaterThanAndLessThanQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int expected)
void greaterEqualAndLessThanQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void greaterThanAndLessEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void greaterEqualAndLessEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void greaterEqualAndLikeQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void equalAnd1ExtraQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue, String extraPropertyName, PredicateProvider extraPredicateProvider, Object extraParameterValue, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void greaterThanAnd1ExtraQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue, String extraPropertyName, PredicateProvider extraPredicateProvider, Object extraParameterValue, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void greaterEqualAnd1ExtraQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue, String extraPropertyName, PredicateProvider extraPredicateProvider, Object extraParameterValue, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void lessThanAnd1ExtraQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue, String extraPropertyName, PredicateProvider extraPredicateProvider, Object extraParameterValue, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void lessEqualAnd1ExtraQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue, String extraPropertyName, PredicateProvider extraPredicateProvider, Object extraParameterValue, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void equalAnd2ExtraQuery (String propertyName, Object parameterValue, String extraPropertyName, PredicateProvider extraPredicateProvider, Object extraParameterValue1, Object extraParameterValue2, String expectedIndex, int...expected)
void notEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void notNotEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void notNotNotEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void notGreaterThanQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void notGreaterEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void notLessThanQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void notLessEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterValue, int...expected)
void notBetweenQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void greaterThanAndNotGreaterThanQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void greaterEqualAndNotGreaterThanQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void greaterThanAndNotGreaterEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)
void greaterEqualAndNotGreaterEqualQuery (String propertyName, String expectedIndex, Object parameterLowerValue, Object parameterUpperValue, int...expected)

Static Public Member Functions

static String toString (IdBase idBase)

Protected Member Functions

String getString (int number)
void printResultInstance (IdBase instance)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from testsuite.clusterj.AbstractQueryTest
int getNumberOfInstances ()
void setAutotransaction (boolean b)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from testsuite.clusterj.AbstractClusterJModelTest
boolean getCleanupAfterTest ()
void setAutoCommit (Connection connection, boolean b)
void createEmployeeInstances (int count)
void consistencyCheck (Employee emp)
void createDn2idInstances (int number)
void consistencyCheck (Dn2id dn2id)
List< Object[]> getExpected ()
String getTableName ()
ColumnDescriptor[] getColumnDescriptors ()
Object getColumnValue (int i, int j)
void writeJDBCreadNDB ()
void writeJDBCreadJDBC ()
void writeNDBreadNDB ()
void writeNDBreadJDBC ()
void queryAndVerifyResults (String where, ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors, String conditions, Object[] parameters, int...objectIds)
List< Object[]> queryJDBC (ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors, String conditions, Object[] parameters)
void verifyQueryResults (String where, List< Object[]> results, int...objectIds)
void verify (String where, List< Object[]> expecteds, List< Object[]> actuals)
void generateInstances (ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors)
IdBase getNewInstance (Class<?extends IdBase > modelClass)
void writeToJDBC (ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors, List< IdBase > instances)
void writeToNDB (ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors, List< IdBase > instances)
List< Object[]> readFromNDB (ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors)
List< Object[]> readFromJDBC (ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors)
String getA1for (int number, int index)
String getA3for (long i)
void createAllPrimitivesInstances (int number)
void createAllPrimitivesInstances (Session session, int number)
AllPrimitives createAllPrimitiveInstance (Session session, int i)
void initialize (AllPrimitives instance, int i)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from testsuite.clusterj.AbstractClusterJTest
boolean getDebug ()
void addTearDownClasses (Class<?>...classes)
void createSessionFactory ()
Properties modifyProperties ()
void dumpSystemProperties ()
void error (String message)
void error (String context, Exception ex)
void errorIfNotEqual (String message, Object expected, Object actual)
void errorIfNotEqual (String message, int[] expected, int[] actual)
void errorIfEqual (String message, Object expected, Object actual)
void failOnError ()
void closeConnection ()
void getConnection (Properties extraProperties)
Connection getConnection ()
void getConnection (String propertiesFileName)
void loadDriver ()
void initializeErrorMessages ()
void initializeJDBC ()
void initializeSchema ()
void loadProperties ()
void loadProperties (String propsFileName)
void loadSchema ()
void loadSchemaDefinition ()
void localTearDown ()
final void setUp () throws Exception
final void tearDown () throws Exception
void removeAll (Class<?> cls)
boolean testSchema ()
boolean resetSchema ()
String dump (List< String > list)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from testsuite.clusterj.AbstractClusterJModelTest
static long getMillisFor (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)
static long getMillisFor (int year, int month, int day)
static long getMillisFor (int days, int hour, int minute, int second)
static void resetLocalSystemDefaultTimeZone (Connection connection)
static Object[] setupDn2idPK ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from testsuite.clusterj.AbstractQueryTest
QueryHolder holder
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from testsuite.clusterj.AbstractClusterJModelTest
static TimeZone localSystemTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault()
static final long ONE_SECOND = 1000L
static final long ONE_MINUTE = 1000L * 60L
static final long ONE_HOUR = 1000L * 60L * 60L
static final long TEN_HOURS = 1000L * 60L * 60L * 10L
static final long ONE_DAY = 1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L
static Object[] dn2idPK = setupDn2idPK()

Detailed Description

Derived from QueryStringTypesTest.

Definition at line 25 of file

Member Function Documentation

Class<?> testsuite.clusterj.QueryLikeTest.getInstanceType ( )

Return the type of instances used for the queries.

the type of instances for the test

Implements testsuite.clusterj.AbstractQueryTest.

Definition at line 28 of file

void testsuite.clusterj.QueryLikeTest.printResultInstance ( IdBase  instance)

Print the results of a query for debugging.

instancethe instance to print

Reimplemented from testsuite.clusterj.AbstractQueryTest.

Definition at line 137 of file

void testsuite.clusterj.QueryLikeTest.test ( )

drop table if exists stringtypes; create table stringtypes ( id int not null primary key,

string_null_hash varchar(20), string_null_btree varchar(300), string_null_both varchar(20), string_null_none varchar(300),

string_not_null_hash varchar(300), string_not_null_btree varchar(20), string_not_null_both varchar(300), string_not_null_none varchar(20), unique key idx_string_null_hash (string_null_hash) using hash, key idx_string_null_btree (string_null_btree), unique key idx_string_null_both (string_null_both),

unique key idx_string_not_null_hash (string_not_null_hash) using hash, key idx_string_not_null_btree (string_not_null_btree), unique key idx_string_not_null_both (string_not_null_both)

) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

Definition at line 76 of file

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