MySQL 5.6.14 Source Code Document
This is the complete list of members for AtrtClient, including all inherited members.
addInstance(SimulatedBlock *b, Uint32 theInstanceNo) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | |
addRecSignalImpl(GlobalSignalNumber g, ExecFunction fun, bool f=false) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
allocateBat(int batSize) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
allocChunks(AllocChunk dst[], Uint32arraysize, Uint32rg, Uint32pages, Uint32 paramId) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
allocRecord(const char *type, size_t s, size_t n, bool clear=true, Uint32 paramId=0) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
allocRecordAligned(const char *type, size_t s, size_t n, void **unaligned_buffer, Uint32 align=NDB_O_DIRECT_WRITE_ALIGNMENT, bool clear=true, Uint32 paramId=0) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
appendToSection(Uint32 &firstSegmentIVal, const Uint32 *src, Uint32 len) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
assembleDroppedFragments(Signal *signal) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
assembleFragments(Signal *signal) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
assertOwnThread() | SimulatedBlock | inline |
assignToThread(ThreadContext ctx) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | |
ATCT_CHANGE_VERSION enum value (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
ATCT_RESET_PROC enum value (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
AtrtClient(const char *_suffix=".1.atrt") (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
AtrtClient(MYSQL *) (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
AtrtCommandType enum name (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
AttrInfoBuffer typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
AttrInfoIterator typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
AttrMappingBuffer typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
BLOCK_DEFINES(DbUtil) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_attrMappingPool (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_counterMgr (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | |
c_dataBufPool (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_lockElementPool (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_lockQueuePool (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_lockQueues (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_mutexMgr (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | |
c_operationPool (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_pagePool (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_preparedOperationPool (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_preparePool (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_runningPrepares (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_runningTransactions (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_seizingTransactions (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_transactionPool (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
c_transId (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
calcAccBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcApiClusterMgrBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcBackupBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcDictBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcDihBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcInstanceBlockRef(BlockNumber aBlock) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
calcInstanceBlockRef(BlockNumber aBlock, NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
calcLqhBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcNdbCntrBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcQmgrBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcSumaBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcTcBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcTrixBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcTupBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
calcTuxBlockRef(NodeId aNode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotectedstatic |
CALLBACK_ACK enum value (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
CALLBACK_DIRECT enum value (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
CallbackFlags enum name (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
CallbackFunction typedef (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | |
changeVersion(int process_id, const char *process_args) (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
checkNodeFailSequence(Signal *) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
connect() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
connectTc(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
create_distr_key(Uint32 tableId, const Uint32 *src, Uint32 *dst, const Uint32 keyPaLen[MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_INDEX]) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
createDb(BaseString &) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
databaseLogin(const char *host, const char *user, const char *password, unsigned int portIn, const char *sockIn, bool transactional) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
databaseLogout() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
DbUtil(Block_context &ctx) | DbUtil | |
DbUtil(MYSQL *mysql) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
DbUtil(const char *dbname="mysql", const char *suffix=NULL) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
deallocRecord(void **, const char *type, size_t s, size_t n) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
debugPrintFragmentCounts() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
disconnect() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
doQuery(const char *query) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
doQuery(const char *query, SqlResultSet &result) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
doQuery(const char *query, const Properties &args, SqlResultSet &result) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
doQuery(const char *query, const Properties &args) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
doQuery(BaseString &str) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
doQuery(BaseString &str, SqlResultSet &result) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
doQuery(BaseString &str, const Properties &args, SqlResultSet &result) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
doQuery(BaseString &str, const Properties &args) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
dupSection(Uint32 ©FirstIVal, Uint32 srcFirstIVal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
ERROR_INSERT_VARIABLE (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execAPI_START_REP(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execCALLBACK_CONF(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execCHANGE_NODE_STATE_REQ(Signal *signal) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execCONTINUE_FRAGMENTED(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execCONTINUEB(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execDBINFO_SCANREQ(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execDUMP_STATE_ORD(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execFSAPPENDREF(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execFSCLOSEREF(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execFSOPENREF(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execFSREADREF(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execFSREMOVEREF(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execFSSYNCREF(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execFSWRITEREF(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
ExecFunction typedef (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execGET_TABINFO_CONF(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execGET_TABINFOREF(Signal *) | DbUtil | protected |
execLOCAL_ROUTE_ORD(Signal *) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execNDB_STTOR(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execNDB_TAMPER(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execNODE_FAILREP(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execNODE_START_REP(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execNODE_STATE_REP(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execREAD_CONFIG_REQ(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execSEND_PACKED(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execSIGNAL_DROPPED_REP(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execSTOP_FOR_CRASH(Signal *signal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
execSTTOR(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execTCKEY_FAILCONF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execTCKEY_FAILREF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execTCKEYCONF(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execTCKEYREF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execTCROLLBACKREP(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execTCSEIZECONF(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execTRANSID_AI(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execute(Signal *signal, Callback &c, Uint32 returnCode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
execute(Signal *signal, CallbackPtr &cptr, Uint32 returnCode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
EXECUTE_DIRECT(Uint32 block, Uint32 gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 len, Uint32 givenInstanceNo=ZNIL) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
executeFunction(GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal) | SimulatedBlock | inline |
execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_REQ(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
execUTIL_DELETE_CONF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_DELETE_REF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_DELETE_REQ(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_REQ(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | |
execUTIL_EXECUTE_CONF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_EXECUTE_REF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_EXECUTE_REQ(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_LOCK_REQ(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
execUTIL_PREPARE_CONF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_PREPARE_REF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_PREPARE_REQ(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_RELEASE_CONF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_RELEASE_REF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_RELEASE_REQ(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_SEQUENCE_CONF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_SEQUENCE_REF(Signal *signal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_SEQUENCE_REQ(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | protected |
execUTIL_UNLOCK_REQ(Signal *signal) | DbUtil | |
finishTransaction(Signal *, TransactionPtr) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
freeBat() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
fsRefError(Signal *signal, Uint32 line, const char *msg) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
get_filename(Uint32 fd) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlinevirtual |
get_systab_tableid(Signal *) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
getBat(BlockNumber blockNo, Uint32 instanceNo) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protectedstatic |
getBatSize(BlockNumber blockNo, Uint32 instanceNo) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protectedstatic |
getCallbackEntry(Uint32 ci) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
getClusters(SqlResultSet &result) (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
getConnectString(int cluster_id, SqlResultSet &result) (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
getDbName() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | inline |
getError() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
getErrorNumber() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
getHost() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | inline |
getInstance(Uint32 instanceNumber) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inline |
getInstanceFromKey(Uint32 instanceKey) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | static |
getInstanceKey(Uint32 tabId, Uint32 fragId) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | static |
getLqhWorkers() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlinestatic |
getMgmds(int cluster_id, SqlResultSet &result) (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
getMysql() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | inline |
getNdbds(int cluster_id, SqlResultSet &result) (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
getNodeInfo(NodeId nodeId) const | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
getNodeState() const | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
getNodeVersionInfo() const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
getOwnNodeId() const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
getOwnProcessId() | AtrtClient | |
getParam(const char *param, Uint32 *retVal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlinevirtual |
getPassword() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | inline |
getResultSet(Signal *signal, const Transaction *transP, struct LinearSectionPtr sectionsPtr[]) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
getSectionSegmentPool() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
getServerType() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | inline |
getSocket() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | inline |
getThreadId() const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inline |
getTransId(Transaction *) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
getUser() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | inline |
handle_invalid_fragmentInfo(Signal *) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
handle_invalid_sections_in_send_signal(Signal *) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
handle_lingering_sections_after_execute(Signal *) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
handle_lingering_sections_after_execute(SectionHandle *) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
handle_out_of_longsignal_memory(Signal *) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
handle_send_failed(SendStatus, Signal *) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
hardcodedPrepare(Signal *, Uint32 SYSTAB_0) | DbUtil | |
ignoreMutexUnlockCallback(Signal *signal, Uint32 ptrI, Uint32 retVal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | |
import(Ptr< SectionSegment > &first, const Uint32 *src, Uint32 len) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
import(SegmentedSectionPtr &ptr, const Uint32 *src, Uint32 len) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
infoEvent(const char *msg,...) const ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf | SimulatedBlock | protected |
initCommon() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
initResultSet(ResultSetBuffer &, const ResultSetInfoBuffer &) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
installSimulatedBlockFunctions() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
instance() const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inline |
isConnected() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
isMultiThreaded() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | static |
isNdbMt() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlinestatic |
isNdbMtLqh() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlinestatic |
jamBuffer() const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inline |
KeyInfoBuffer typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
KeyInfoIterator typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
last_errno() const (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | inline |
last_error() const (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | inline |
loadWorkers() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlinevirtual |
LockQueuePtr typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
m_callbackTableAddr (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
m_ctx (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
m_free_mysql (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
m_global_page_pool (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
m_mysql (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
m_shared_page_pool (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
mutex_created(Signal *signal, Uint32 mutexId, Uint32 retVal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
mutex_destroyed(Signal *signal, Uint32 mutexId, Uint32 retVal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
mutex_locked(Signal *signal, Uint32 mutexId, Uint32 retVal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
mutex_unlocked(Signal *signal, Uint32 mutexId, Uint32 retVal) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
mysqlCloseStmHandle(MYSQL_STMT *my_stmt) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
mysqlSimplePrepare(const char *query) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
ndbinfo_send_row(Signal *signal, const DbinfoScanReq &req, const Ndbinfo::Row &row, Ndbinfo::Ratelimit &rl) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
ndbinfo_send_scan_break(Signal *signal, DbinfoScanReq &req, const Ndbinfo::Ratelimit &rl, Uint32 data1, Uint32 data2=0, Uint32 data3=0, Uint32 data4=0) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
ndbinfo_send_scan_conf(Signal *signal, DbinfoScanReq &req, const Ndbinfo::Ratelimit &rl) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
number() const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
OperationPtr typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
Page32Ptr typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
PreparedOperationPtr typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
prepareOperation(Signal *, PreparePtr, SegmentedSectionPtr) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
PreparePtr typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
progError(int line, int err_code, const char *extradata=NULL) const ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN | SimulatedBlock | protected |
readPrepareProps(Signal *signal, SimpleProperties::Reader *reader, PreparePtr) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
reference() const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
refresh_watch_dog(Uint32 place=1) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
release(SegmentedSectionPtr &ptr) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
release(SegmentedSectionPtrPOD &ptr) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
releasePrepare(PreparePtr) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
releasePreparedOperation(PreparedOperationPtr) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
releaseSection(Uint32 firstSegmentIVal) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
releaseSections(struct SectionHandle &) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
releaseTransaction(TransactionPtr transPtr) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
reportSequence(Signal *, const Transaction *) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
resetProc(int process_id) (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
ResultSetBuffer typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
ResultSetInfoBuffer typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
runOperation(Signal *signal, TransactionPtr &, OperationPtr &, Uint32) | DbUtil | |
runQuery(const char *query, const Properties &args, SqlResultSet &rows) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | protected |
runTransaction(Signal *signal, TransactionPtr) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
selectCountTable(const char *table) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
selectDb() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
selectDb(const char *) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
sendAttrInfo(Signal *, Uint32 ref, AttrInfo *attrInfo, const AttrInfoBuffer &, AttrInfoIterator &ait) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
sendCallbackConf(Signal *signal, Uint32 fullBlockNo, CallbackPtr &cptr, Uint32 returnCode) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendFirstFragment(FragmentSendInfo &info, NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, SectionHandle *sections, bool noRelease, Uint32 messageSize=FRAGMENT_WORD_SIZE) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendFirstFragment(FragmentSendInfo &info, NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections, Uint32 messageSize=FRAGMENT_WORD_SIZE) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendFragmentedSignal(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, SectionHandle *sections, Callback &=TheEmptyCallback, Uint32 messageSize=FRAGMENT_WORD_SIZE) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendFragmentedSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, SectionHandle *sections, Callback &=TheEmptyCallback, Uint32 messageSize=FRAGMENT_WORD_SIZE) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendFragmentedSignal(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections, Callback &=TheEmptyCallback, Uint32 messageSize=FRAGMENT_WORD_SIZE) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendFragmentedSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections, Callback &=TheEmptyCallback, Uint32 messageSize=FRAGMENT_WORD_SIZE) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendKeyInfo(Signal *signal, Uint32 ref, KeyInfo *keyInfo, const KeyInfoBuffer &keyBuf, KeyInfoIterator &kit) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
sendLOCK_CONF(Signal *, const UtilLockReq *req) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
sendLOCK_REF(Signal *, const UtilLockReq *req, UtilLockRef::ErrorCode) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
sendNextLinearFragment(Signal *signal, FragmentSendInfo &info) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendNextSegmentedFragment(Signal *signal, FragmentSendInfo &info) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendRoutedSignal(RoutePath path[], Uint32 pathcnt, Uint32 dst[], Uint32 dstcnt, Uint32 gsn, Signal *, Uint32 len, JobBufferLevel prio, SectionHandle *handle=0) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendSignal(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf) const | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendSignal(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, SectionHandle *sections) const | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, SectionHandle *sections) const | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendSignal(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections) const | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections) const | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendSignalNoRelease(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, SectionHandle *sections) const | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendSignalNoRelease(NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, SectionHandle *sections) const | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendSignalWithDelay(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 delayInMilliSeconds, Uint32 length) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendSignalWithDelay(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal *signal, Uint32 delayInMilliSeconds, Uint32 length, SectionHandle *sections) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sendUNLOCK_REF(Signal *, const UtilUnlockReq *, UtilUnlockRef::ErrorCode) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
sendUtilExecuteRef(Signal *, UtilExecuteRef::ErrorCode, Uint32, Uint32, Uint32) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
sendUtilPrepareRef(Signal *, UtilPrepareRef::ErrorCode, Uint32, Uint32, Uint32 extraError=0) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
setNodeInfo(NodeId) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
setNodeVersionInfo() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | inlineprotected |
setup_wakeup() | SimulatedBlock | protected |
silent() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | inline |
simBlockNodeFailure(Signal *signal, Uint32 failedNodeId, Callback &cb=TheEmptyCallback) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
SimulatedBlock(BlockNumber blockNumber, struct Block_context &ctx, Uint32 instanceNumber=0) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
sortchunks(const void *, const void *) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protectedstatic |
STATIC_CONST(FRAGMENT_WORD_SIZE=240) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
synchronize_path(Signal *, const Uint32 blocks[], const Callback &, JobBufferLevel=JBB) | SimulatedBlock | |
synchronize_threads_for_blocks(Signal *, const Uint32 blocks[], const Callback &, JobBufferLevel=JBB) | SimulatedBlock | |
THE_NULL_CALLBACK enum value (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
TheEmptyCallback (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protectedstatic |
theExecArray (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
TheNULLCallback (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protectedstatic |
TheNULLCallbackFunction(class Signal *, Uint32, Uint32) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
TransactionPtr typedef (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
update_watch_dog_timer(Uint32 interval) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
waitConnected(int timeout=120) (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
wakeup() | SimulatedBlock | protected |
warningEvent(const char *msg,...) const ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf | SimulatedBlock | protected |
writeToSection(Uint32 firstSegmentIVal, Uint32 offset, const Uint32 *src, Uint32 len) (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
xfrm_attr(Uint32 attrDesc, CHARSET_INFO *cs, const Uint32 *src, Uint32 &srcPos, Uint32 *dst, Uint32 &dstPos, Uint32 dstSize) const (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | protected |
xfrm_key(Uint32 tab, const Uint32 *src, Uint32 *dst, Uint32 dstSize, Uint32 keyPartLen[MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_INDEX]) const | SimulatedBlock | protected |
~AtrtClient() (defined in AtrtClient) | AtrtClient | |
~DbUtil() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | virtual |
~DbUtil() (defined in DbUtil) | DbUtil | |
~SimulatedBlock() (defined in SimulatedBlock) | SimulatedBlock | virtual |