MySQL 5.6.14 Source Code Document
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1 # ==== Purpose ====
2 #
3 # Creates a stored routine, stored function, trigger, view, or
4 # prepared statement (commonly referred to as "recursive construct")
5 # that invokes a given unsafe statement.
6 #
7 # Then, it invokes the created recursive construct several times:
8 #
9 # - With SQL_LOG_BIN = 1 and binlog_format = STATEMENT, to verify
10 # that it gives a warning.
11 #
12 # - With SQL_LOG_BIN = 0 and binlog_format = STATEMENT, to verify that
13 # there is no warning and nothing is logged.
14 #
15 # - With SQL_LOG_BIN = 1 and binlog_format = MIXED, to verify that it
16 # writes row events to the binlog.
17 #
18 # - In some cases, the recursive construct can be invoked so that it
19 # has no side-effects but returns a value that may be
20 # nondeterministic. An example is a function that returns UUID().
21 # The function does not have side effects but its a return value
22 # that may differ on slave. Such statements are invoked so that
23 # the return value is discarded (e.g., SELECT func()), with
24 # SQL_LOG_BIN = 1 and binlog_format = STATEMENT. In this case, no
25 # warning should be given and nothing should be written to the
26 # binlog.
27 #
28 # This is an auxiliary file particularly targeted to being used by the
29 # test binlog_unsafe. In this context, the purpose is to check how
30 # warnings for unsafe statements are propagated in recursive
31 # constructs.
32 #
33 # The statement to invoke ("input") is described using mtr variables,
34 # and the resulting recursive construct ("output") is stored in mtr
35 # variables in a similar fashion. To create several levels of nested
36 # recursive constructs, source this file once, then copy the values of
37 # appropriate output variables to the input variables, and then source
38 # this file again.
39 #
40 #
41 # ==== Usage ====
42 #
43 # See binlog_unsafe for an example of how to use this file.
44 #
45 # let $CRC_ARG_level= <level>;
46 # let $CRC_ARG_type= <type>;
47 # let $CRC_ARG_stmt_sidef= <stmt>;
48 # let $CRC_ARG_value= <stmt>;
49 # let $CRC_ARG_sel_retval= <stmt>;
50 # let $CRC_ARG_sel_sidef= <stmt>;
51 # let $CRC_ARG_desc= <desc>;
52 # source extra/rpl_tests/;
53 # let $my_stmt_sidef= $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef;
54 # let $my_value= $CRC_RET_value;
55 # let $my_sel_sidef= $CRC_RET_sel_sidef;
56 # let $my_sel_retval= $CRC_RET_sel_retval;
57 # let $my_drop= $CRC_RET_drop;
58 # let $my_is_toplevel= $CRC_RET_top_is_toplevel;
59 # let $my_desc= $CRC_RET_desc;
60 #
61 # $CRC_ARG_* are used as input parameters (arguments) to this file:
62 #
63 # $CRC_ARG_level is the recursion depth: 1 for the innermost
64 # statement created, 2 for a statement that invokes a statement on
65 # level 1, etc.
66 #
67 # $CRC_ARG_type is an integer from 0 to 6, indicating what type of
68 # statement shall be created:
69 # 0 - Create a stored function where the return value depends on
70 # the value of the given statement.
71 # 1 - Create a stored function that invokes the given statement as
72 # a side-effect but may not return a value that depends on it.
73 # 2 - Create a stored routine that invokes the given statement.
74 # 3 - Create a trigger (on table trigger_table_$CRC_ARG_level) that
75 # invokes the given statement.
76 # 4 - Create a view that returns a value that depends on the value
77 # of the given statement.
78 # 5 - Create a view that invokes the given statement but may return
79 # a value that does not depend on it.
80 # 6 - Create a prepared statement that invokes the given statement.
81 #
82 # $CRC_ARG_stmt_sidef is the statement to invoke. It should be a
83 # statement that can be invoked on its own (not sub-statement),
84 # which causes something unsafe to be written to the binlog.
85 #
86 # $CRC_ARG_value is a sub-statement holding the value of the given
87 # statement. Can be empty if the given statement does not have a
88 # value. Typically, this is non-empty if the given statement is a
89 # function call or user variable, but not if it is a stored routine
90 # call, INSERT, SELECT, etc (because none of them has a value).
91 # $CRC_ARG_value is used only when $CRC_ARG_type=6.
92 #
93 # $CRC_ARG_sel_sidef is a SELECT sub-statement that invokes the
94 # statement as a side-effect, but returns a result set that may not
95 # depend on the statement. Can be empty if the statement cannot
96 # produce a result set from a SELECT. $CRC_ARG_sel_sidef is used
97 # only if $CRC_ARG_type=2
98 #
99 # $CRC_ARG_sel_retval is a SELECT sub-statement that does not have
100 # side-effects, but returns a result set that depends on the unsafe
101 # statement. Can be empty if the statement cannot be invoked from a
102 # SELECT. $CRC_ARG_sel_retval is used only if $CRC_ARG_type=3.
103 #
104 # $CRC_ARG_desc is a human-readable description of the statement to
105 # invoke.
106 #
107 # $CRC_RET_* are used as output parameters (return values) of this
108 # file:
109 #
110 # $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef is a statement invoking the resulting recursive
111 # construct.
112 #
113 # $CRC_RET_value is a sub-statement invoking the resulting recursive
114 # construct and returning the value of the recursive construct.
115 # This is the empty string if the resulting recursive construct does
116 # not have a value. In particular, this is non-empty only if
117 # $CRC_ARG_value=7.
118 #
119 # $CRC_RET_sel_sidef is a SELECT sub-statement that invokes the
120 # resulting recursive construct as a side-effect but where the
121 # result set may not depend on the recursive construct. This is the
122 # empty string if the recursive construct cannot be invoked from a
123 # SELECT. In particular, this is non-empty only if $CRC_ARG_value=6
124 # or $CRC_ARG_value=2.
125 #
126 # $CRC_RET_sel_retval is a SELECT sub-statement that does not have
127 # side-effects, but returns a result set depending on the unsafe
128 # statement. This is the empty string if the recursive construct
129 # cannot produce a result set from a SELECT. In particular, this is
130 # non-empty only if $CRC_ARG_value=7 or $CRC_ARG_value=3.
131 #
132 # $CRC_RET_drop is a statement that drops the created object. I.e.,
133 # it is one of 'DROP FUNCTION <func>', 'DROP PROCEDURE <proc>', etc.
134 #
135 # $CRC_RET_top_is_toplevel is 0 normally, or 1 if the resulting
136 # recursive construct can only be called from a top-level statement.
137 # In particular, this is 1 only when $CRC_ARG_value=1, because
138 # prepared statements cannot be invoked from other recursive
139 # constructs.
140 #
141 # $CRC_RET_desc is a text string that describes the invokation of
142 # the recursive construct in a human-readable fashion.
143 #
144 # Assumptions
145 #
146 # Before sourcing this file with $CRC_ARG_level=X, you need to
147 # create three tables: tX, taX and trigger_table_X. These are used
148 # as auxiliary tables.
151 #--echo debug: >>>>ENTER create_recursive_construct
152 #--echo debug: level=$CRC_ARG_level
153 #--echo debug: type=$CRC_ARG_type
154 #--echo debug: stmt_sidef=$CRC_ARG_stmt_sidef
155 #--echo debug: value=$CRC_ARG_value
156 #--echo debug: sel_retval=$CRC_ARG_sel_retval
157 #--echo debug: sel_sidef=$CRC_ARG_sel_sidef
159 --let $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef=
160 --let $CRC_RET_value=
161 --let $CRC_RET_sel_retval=
162 --let $CRC_RET_sel_sidef=
163 --let $CRC_RET_drop=
164 --let $CRC_RET_is_toplevel= 1
165 --let $CRC_RET_desc=
166 --let $CRC_name=
167 --let $CRC_create=
168 --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings= $CRC_ARG_expected_number_of_warnings
169 --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_normal_protocol= $CRC_ARG_expected_number_of_warnings
170 --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_ps_protocol= $CRC_ARG_expected_number_of_warnings
171 --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset= 0
173 ######## func_retval ########
174 # if inside if in lieu of AND operand
175 if ($CRC_ARG_type == 0) {
176  if ($CRC_ARG_value) {
177  # It will be safe to call this function and discard the return
178  # value, but it will be unsafe to use return value (e.g., in
179  # INSERT...SELECT).
180  --let $CRC_name= func_retval_$CRC_ARG_level
182  --let $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef= INSERT INTO t$CRC_ARG_level VALUES ($CRC_name())
183  --let $CRC_RET_value= $CRC_name()
184  --let $CRC_RET_sel_sidef=
185  --let $CRC_RET_sel_retval= SELECT $CRC_name()
186  --let $CRC_RET_drop= DROP FUNCTION $CRC_name
187  --let $CRC_RET_is_toplevel= 0
188  --let $CRC_RET_desc= function $CRC_name returning value from $CRC_ARG_desc
189  }
190 }
192 ######## func_sidef ########
193 if ($CRC_ARG_type == 1) {
194  # It will be unsafe to call func even if you discard return value.
195  --let $CRC_name= func_sidef_$CRC_ARG_level
196  --let $CRC_create= CREATE FUNCTION $CRC_name() RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN INSERT INTO ta$CRC_ARG_level VALUES (47); $CRC_ARG_stmt_sidef; RETURN 0; END
197  --let $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef= INSERT INTO t$CRC_ARG_level SELECT $CRC_name()
198  --let $CRC_RET_value=
199  --let $CRC_RET_sel_retval=
200  --let $CRC_RET_sel_sidef= SELECT $CRC_name()
201  --let $CRC_RET_drop= DROP FUNCTION $CRC_name
202  --let $CRC_RET_is_toplevel= 0
203  --let $CRC_RET_desc= function $CRC_name invoking $CRC_ARG_desc
204 }
206 ######## proc ########
207 if ($CRC_ARG_type == 2) {
208  # It will be unsafe to call this procedure.
209  --let $CRC_name= proc_$CRC_ARG_level
210  --let $CRC_create= CREATE PROCEDURE $CRC_name() BEGIN $CRC_ARG_stmt_sidef; INSERT INTO ta$CRC_ARG_level VALUES (47); END
211  --let $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef= CALL $CRC_name()
212  --let $CRC_RET_value=
213  --let $CRC_RET_sel_retval=
214  --let $CRC_RET_sel_sidef=
215  --let $CRC_RET_drop= DROP PROCEDURE $CRC_name
216  --let $CRC_RET_is_toplevel= 0
217  --let $CRC_RET_desc= procedure $CRC_name invoking $CRC_ARG_desc
218 }
220 ######## trig ########
221 if ($CRC_ARG_type == 3) {
222  # It will be unsafe to invoke this trigger.
223  --let $CRC_name= trig_$CRC_ARG_level
224  --let $CRC_create= CREATE TRIGGER $CRC_name BEFORE INSERT ON trigger_table_$CRC_ARG_level FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ta$CRC_ARG_level VALUES (47); $CRC_ARG_stmt_sidef; END
225  --let $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef= INSERT INTO trigger_table_$CRC_ARG_level VALUES (1)
226  --let $CRC_RET_value=
227  --let $CRC_RET_sel_retval=
228  --let $CRC_RET_sel_sidef=
229  --let $CRC_RET_drop= DROP TRIGGER $CRC_name
230  --let $CRC_RET_is_toplevel= 0
231  --let $CRC_RET_desc= trigger $CRC_name invoking $CRC_ARG_desc
232 }
234 ######## view_retval ########
235 if ($CRC_ARG_type == 4) {
236  if ($CRC_ARG_sel_retval) {
237  # It will be safe to select from this view if you discard the result
238  # set, but unsafe to use result set (e.g., in INSERT..SELECT).
239  --let $CRC_name= view_retval_$CRC_ARG_level
240  --let $CRC_create= CREATE VIEW $CRC_name AS $CRC_ARG_sel_retval
241  --let $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef= INSERT INTO t$CRC_ARG_LEVEL SELECT * FROM $CRC_name
242  --let $CRC_RET_value=
243  --let $CRC_RET_sel_retval= SELECT * FROM $CRC_name
244  --let $CRC_RET_sel_sidef=
245  --let $CRC_RET_drop= DROP VIEW $CRC_name
246  --let $CRC_RET_is_toplevel= 0
247  --let $CRC_RET_desc= view $CRC_name returning value from $CRC_ARG_desc
248  }
249 }
251 ######## view_sidef ########
252 if ($CRC_ARG_type == 5) {
253  if ($CRC_ARG_sel_sidef) {
254  # It will be unsafe to select from this view, even if you discard
255  # the return value.
256  --let $CRC_name= view_sidef_$CRC_ARG_level
257  --let $CRC_create= CREATE VIEW $CRC_name AS $CRC_ARG_sel_sidef
258  --let $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef= INSERT INTO t$CRC_ARG_level SELECT * FROM $CRC_name
259  --let $CRC_RET_value=
260  --let $CRC_RET_sel_retval=
261  --let $CRC_RET_sel_sidef= SELECT * FROM $CRC_name
262  --let $CRC_RET_drop= DROP VIEW $CRC_name
263  --let $CRC_RET_is_toplevel= 0
264  --let $CRC_RET_desc= view $CRC_name invoking $CRC_ARG_desc
265  }
266 }
268 ######## prep ########
269 if ($CRC_ARG_type == 6) {
270  # It will be unsafe to execute this prepared statement
271  --let $CRC_name= prep_$CRC_ARG_level
272  --let $CRC_create= PREPARE $CRC_name FROM "$CRC_ARG_stmt_sidef"
273  --let $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef= EXECUTE $CRC_name
274  --let $CRC_RET_value=
275  --let $CRC_RET_sel_retval=
276  --let $CRC_RET_sel_sidef=
277  --let $CRC_RET_drop= DROP PREPARE $CRC_name
278  --let $CRC_RET_is_toplevel= 1
279  --let $CRC_RET_desc= prepared statement $CRC_name invoking $CRC_ARG_desc
280 }
282 ######## no recursive construct: just return the given statement ########
283 if ($CRC_ARG_type == 7) {
284  # CRC_ARG_type=7 is a special case. We just set $CRC_RET_x =
285  # $CRC_ARG_x. This way, the $CRC_ARG_stmt gets executed directly
286  # (below). In binlog_unsafe.test, it is used to invoke the unsafe
287  # statement created in the outermost loop directly, without
288  # enclosing it in a recursive construct.
289  --let $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef= $CRC_ARG_stmt_sidef
290  --let $CRC_RET_value= $CRC_ARG_value
291  --let $CRC_RET_sel_retval= $CRC_ARG_sel_retval
292  --let $CRC_RET_sel_sidef= $CRC_ARG_sel_sidef
293  --let $CRC_RET_drop=
294  --let $CRC_RET_is_toplevel= 1
295  --let $CRC_RET_desc= $CRC_ARG_desc
296  --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_normal_protocol= `select $CRC_ARG_expected_number_of_deprecation_warnings + $CRC_ARG_expected_number_of_warnings`
297  --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_ps_protocol= $CRC_ARG_expected_number_of_warnings
298  --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset_normal_protocol= `select $CRC_ARG_expected_number_of_deprecation_warnings + $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset`
299  --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset_ps_protocol= $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset
301  --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings= $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_normal_protocol
302  --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset= $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset_normal_protocol
303  if ($PS_PROTOCOL)
304  {
305  --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings= $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_ps_protocol
306  --let $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset= $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset_ps_protocol
307  }
308 }
310 ######## execute! ########
311 if ($CRC_RET_stmt_sidef) {
312  --echo
313  --echo Invoking $CRC_RET_desc.
314  if ($CRC_create) {
315  --eval $CRC_create
316  }
318  if ($CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_normal_protocol == $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_ps_protocol)
319  {
320  --echo * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings warnings.
321  }
322  if ($CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_normal_protocol != $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_ps_protocol)
323  {
324  --echo * binlog_format = STATEMENT: expect $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_normal_protocol warnings. $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_ps_protocol with ps-protocol.
325  }
326  --eval $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef
327  --let $n_warnings= `SHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS`
329  if ($n_warnings != $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings) {
330  --echo ******** Failure! Expected $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings warnings, got $n_warnings warnings. ********
333  --die Wrong number of warnings.
334  }
336  # These queries are run without query log, to make result file more
337  # readable. Debug info is only printed if something abnormal
338  # happens.
339  --disable_query_log
341  --echo * SQL_LOG_BIN = 0: expect nothing logged and only deprecation warnings.
342  SET SQL_LOG_BIN = 0;
344  --eval $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef
345  --let $n_warnings= `SHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS`
346  if ($n_warnings != $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset) {
347  --echo ******** Failure! Expected $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset warnings, got $n_warnings warnings. ********
350  --die Wrong number of warnings.
351  }
352  --let $binlog_event= query_get_value(SHOW BINLOG EVENTS, Event_type, 2)
353  if ($binlog_event != No such row) {
354  --enable_query_log
355  --echo ******** Failure! Something was written to the binlog despite SQL_LOG_BIN=0 ********
357  --die Binlog not empty
358  }
359  SET SQL_LOG_BIN = 1;
361  --echo * binlog_format = MIXED: expect row events in binlog and no warning.
362  SET binlog_format = MIXED;
364  --eval $CRC_RET_stmt_sidef
365  --let $n_warnings= `SHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS`
366  if ($n_warnings != $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset) {
367  --echo ******** Failure! Expected $CRC_expected_number_of_warnings_after_reset warnings, got $n_warnings warnings. ********
370  --die Warnings printed
371  }
372  --let $event_type= query_get_value(SHOW BINLOG EVENTS, Event_type, 3)
373  # The first event is format_description, the second is
374  # Query_event('BEGIN'), and the third should be our Query
375  # for 'INSERT DELAYED' unsafe_type 3, which is safe after
376  # the fix of bug#54579.
377  if (`SELECT $unsafe_type = 3 AND '$event_type' != 'Query'`) {
378  --enable_query_log
379  --echo ******** Failure! Event number 3 was a '$event_type', not a 'Query'. ********
381  --die Wrong events in binlog.
382  }
383  # The first event is format_description, the second is
384  # Query_event('BEGIN'), and the third should be our Table_map
385  # for unsafe statement.
386  if (`SELECT $unsafe_type != 3 AND '$event_type' != 'Table_map'`) {
387  --enable_query_log
388  --echo ******** Failure! Event number 3 was a '$event_type', not a 'Table_map'. ********
391  --die Wrong events in binlog.
392  }
393  SET binlog_format = STATEMENT;
395  --enable_query_log
396 }
398 # Invoke created object, discarding the return value. This should not
399 # give any warning.
400 if ($CRC_RET_sel_retval) {
401  --echo * Invoke statement so that return value is dicarded: expect no warning.
402  --disable_result_log
403  --eval $CRC_RET_sel_retval
404  --enable_result_log
406  # Currently, due to a bug, we do get warnings here, so we don't
407  # fail. When the bug is fixed, we should execute the following.
409  #--let $n_warnings= `SHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS`
410  #if ($n_warnings) {
411  # --enable_query_log
412  # --echo Failure! Expected 0 warnings, got $n_warnings warnings.
415  # --die Wrong number of warnings.
416  #}
417 }
419 #--echo debug: <<<<EXIT create_recursive_construct
420 #--echo debug: stmt_sidef=$CRC_RET_stmt_sidef
421 #--echo debug: value=$CRC_RET_value
422 #--echo debug: sel_retval=$CRC_RET_sel_retval
423 #--echo debug: sel_sidef=$CRC_RET_sel_sidef
424 #--echo debug: drop=$CRC_RET_drop
425 #--echo debug: is_toplevel=$CRC_RET_is_toplevel
426 #--echo debug: desc=$CRC_RET_desc