MySQL 5.6.14 Source Code Document
This is the complete list of members for Properties, including all inherited members.
clear() (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
contains(const char *name) const | Properties | |
contains(const char *name, Uint32 no) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
delimiter (defined in Properties) | Properties | static |
get(const char *name, Uint32 *value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
get(const char *name, Uint64 *value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
get(const char *name, const char **value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
get(const char *name, BaseString &value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
get(const char *name, const Properties **value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
get(const char *name, Uint32 no, Uint32 *value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
get(const char *name, Uint32 no, Uint64 *value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
get(const char *name, Uint32 no, const char **value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
get(const char *name, Uint32 no, const Properties **value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
getCaseInsensitiveNames() const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
getCopy(const char *name, char **value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
getCopy(const char *name, Properties **value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
getCopy(const char *name, Uint32 no, char **value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
getCopy(const char *name, Uint32 no, Properties **value) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
getOSErrno() const (defined in Properties) | Properties | inline |
getPackedSize() const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
getPropertiesErrno() const (defined in Properties) | Properties | inline |
getTypeOf(const char *name, PropertiesType *type) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
getTypeOf(const char *name, Uint32 no, PropertiesType *type) const | Properties | |
pack(Uint32 *buf) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
pack(UtilBuffer &buf) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | inline |
print(FILE *file=stdout, const char *prefix=0) const (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
Properties(bool case_insensitive=false) | Properties | |
Properties(const Properties &) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
Properties(const Property *, int len) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
Properties::Iterator (defined in Properties) | Properties | friend |
PropertiesImpl (defined in Properties) | Properties | friend |
put(const Property *, int len) | Properties | |
put(const char *name, Uint32 value, bool replace=false) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
put(const char *name, const char *value, bool replace=false) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
put(const char *name, const Properties *value, bool replace=false) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
put(const char *, Uint32 no, Uint32, bool replace=false) | Properties | |
put(const char *, Uint32 no, const char *, bool replace=false) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
put(const char *, Uint32 no, const Properties *, bool replace=false) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
put64(const char *name, Uint64 value, bool replace=false) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
put64(const char *, Uint32 no, Uint64, bool replace=false) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
remove(const char *name) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
setCaseInsensitiveNames(bool value) | Properties | |
unpack(const Uint32 *buf, Uint32 bufLen) (defined in Properties) | Properties | |
unpack(UtilBuffer &buf) (defined in Properties) | Properties | inline |
version | Properties | static |
~Properties() (defined in Properties) | Properties | virtual |