MySQL 5.6.14 Source Code Document
This is the complete list of members for NdbDictionaryImpl, including all inherited members.
alterTable(NdbTableImpl &old_impl, NdbTableImpl &impl) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::alterTable(const Table &f, const Table &t) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
alterTableGlobal(NdbTableImpl &orig_impl, NdbTableImpl &impl) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
alterTableGlobal(const Table &f, const Table &t) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
beginSchemaTrans(bool retry711=true) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::beginSchemaTrans() | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createBlobEvents(NdbEventImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
createBlobTables(const NdbTableImpl &t) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
createDatafile(const NdbDatafileImpl &, bool force, NdbDictObjectImpl *) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
createDatafile(const Datafile &, bool overwrite_existing=false, ObjectId *=0) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createDefaultNdbRecord(NdbTableImpl *tableOrIndex, const NdbTableImpl *baseTableForIndex) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
createEvent(NdbEventImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::createEvent(const Event &event) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createHashMap(const HashMap &, ObjectId *=0) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createIndex(NdbIndexImpl &ix, bool offline) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
createIndex(NdbIndexImpl &ix, NdbTableImpl &tab, bool offline) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::createIndex(const Index &index, bool offline=false) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createIndex(const Index &index, const Table &table, bool offline=false) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createLogfileGroup(const NdbLogfileGroupImpl &, NdbDictObjectImpl *) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
createLogfileGroup(const LogfileGroup &, ObjectId *=0) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createRecord(const NdbTableImpl *table, const NdbDictionary::RecordSpecification *recSpec, Uint32 length, Uint32 elemSize, Uint32 flags, bool defaultRecord) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
createRecord(const Table *table, const RecordSpecification *recSpec, Uint32 length, Uint32 elemSize, Uint32 flags=0) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createRecord(const Index *index, const Table *table, const RecordSpecification *recSpec, Uint32 length, Uint32 elemSize, Uint32 flags=0) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createRecord(const Index *index, const RecordSpecification *recSpec, Uint32 length, Uint32 elemSize, Uint32 flags=0) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createTable(NdbTableImpl &t, NdbDictObjectImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::createTable(const Table &table) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::createTable(const Table &table, ObjectId *objid) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createTablespace(const NdbTablespaceImpl &, NdbDictObjectImpl *) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
createTablespace(const Tablespace &, ObjectId *=0) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
createUndofile(const NdbUndofileImpl &, bool force, NdbDictObjectImpl *) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
createUndofile(const Undofile &, bool overwrite_existing=false, ObjectId *=0) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
deleteIndexStat(const NdbIndexImpl &, const NdbTableImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
deleteIndexStat(Uint32 indexId, Uint32 indexVersion, Uint32 tableId) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
deleteIndexStat(const Index &, const Table &) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
Dictionary(Ndb &ndb) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | protected |
dropBlobEvents(const NdbEventImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropBlobTables(NdbTableImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropDatafile(const NdbDatafileImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropDatafile(const Datafile &) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
dropEvent(const char *eventName, int force) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropEvent(const NdbEventImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropIndex(const char *indexName, const char *tableName) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropIndex(NdbIndexImpl &, const char *tableName) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropIndexGlobal(NdbIndexImpl &impl) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropIndexGlobal(const Index &index) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
dropLogfileGroup(const NdbLogfileGroupImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropLogfileGroup(const LogfileGroup &) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
dropTable(const char *name) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropTable(NdbTableImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::dropTable(Table &table) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
dropTableGlobal(NdbTableImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropTableGlobal(const Table &ndbtab) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
dropTablespace(const NdbTablespaceImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropTablespace(const Tablespace &) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
dropUndofile(const NdbUndofileImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
dropUndofile(const Undofile &) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
endSchemaTrans(Uint32 flags) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
executeSubscribeEvent(NdbEventOperationImpl &, Uint32 &buckets) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
forceGCPWait(int type) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::forceGCPWait() | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
get_local_table_info(const BaseString &internalTableName) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inline |
getBlobEvent(const NdbEventImpl &ev, uint col_no) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
getBlobTable(const NdbTableImpl &, uint col_no) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
getBlobTable(uint tab_id, uint col_no) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::getBlobTable(const Table *, const char *col_name) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getBlobTable(const Table *, Uint32 col_no) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getBlobTables(NdbTableImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
getDatafile(Uint32 node, const char *path) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getDefaultHashMap(HashMap &dst, Uint32 fragments) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getEvent(const char *eventName, NdbTableImpl *=NULL) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::getEvent(const char *eventName) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getEventImpl(const char *internalName) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
getHashMap(HashMap &dst, const char *name) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getHashMap(HashMap &dst, const Table *table) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getImpl(NdbDictionary::Dictionary &t) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inlinestatic |
getImpl(const NdbDictionary::Dictionary &t) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inlinestatic |
getIndex(const char *indexName, const char *tableName) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inline |
getIndex(const char *indexName, const NdbTableImpl &prim) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inline |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::getIndex(const char *indexName, const char *tableName) const | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getIndexGlobal(const char *indexName, NdbTableImpl &ndbtab) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inline |
getIndexGlobal(const char *indexName, const char *tableName) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inline |
getIndexGlobal(const char *indexName, const Table &ndbtab) const (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getIndexGlobal(const char *indexName, const char *tableName) const (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getIndexImpl(const char *externalName, const BaseString &internalName, NdbTableImpl &tab, NdbTableImpl &prim) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
getIndexImpl(const char *name, const BaseString &internalName) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
getIndexTable(NdbIndexImpl *index, NdbTableImpl *table) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
getLogfileGroup(const char *name) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getNdbError() const | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
getNextAttrIdFrom(const NdbRecord *record, Uint32 startAttrId, Uint32 &nextAttrId) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
getNullBitOffset(const NdbRecord *record, Uint32 attrId, Uint32 &nullbit_byte_offset, Uint32 &nullbit_bit_in_byte) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
getOffset(const NdbRecord *record, Uint32 attrId, Uint32 &offset) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
getRecordIndexName(const NdbRecord *record) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
getRecordRowLength(const NdbRecord *record) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
getRecordTableName(const NdbRecord *record) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
getRecordType(const NdbRecord *record) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
getRestartGCI(Uint32 *) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
getTable(const char *tableName, void **data=0) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inline |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::getTable(const char *name) const | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getTable(const char *name, void **data) const (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getTableGlobal(const char *tableName) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inline |
getTableGlobal(const char *tableName) const (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getTablespace(const char *name) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getTablespace(Uint32 tablespaceId) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getUndofile(Uint32 node, const char *path) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
getValuePtr(const NdbRecord *record, const char *row, Uint32 attrId) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
getValuePtr(const NdbRecord *record, char *row, Uint32 attrId) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
getWarningFlags() const | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
hasSchemaTrans() const | NdbDictionaryImpl | inline |
initDefaultHashMap(HashMap &dst, Uint32 fragments) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
initialiseColumnData(bool isIndex, Uint32 flags, const NdbDictionary::RecordSpecification *recSpec, Uint32 colNum, NdbRecord *rec) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
invalidateDbGlobal(const char *dbname) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
invalidateIndex(const char *indexName, const char *tableName) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
invalidateIndex(const Index *index) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
invalidateObject(NdbTableImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
invalidateTable(const char *name) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
invalidateTable(const Table *table) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
isNull(const NdbRecord *record, const char *row, Uint32 attrId) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
listEvents(List &list) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
listEvents(List &list) const (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
listIndexes(List &list, Uint32 indexId) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::listIndexes(List &list, const char *tableName) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
listIndexes(List &list, const char *tableName) const (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::listIndexes(List &list, const Table &table) const | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
listObjects(List &list, NdbDictionary::Object::Type type, bool fullyQualified) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::listObjects(List &list, Object::Type type=Object::TypeUndefined) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
listObjects(List &list, Object::Type type=Object::TypeUndefined) const (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
listObjects(List &list, Object::Type type, bool fullyQualified) const (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
m_emptyMask | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
m_error (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
m_facade (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
m_globalHash (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
m_local_table_data_size (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
m_localHash (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
m_ndb (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
m_receiver (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
m_tx (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
m_warn (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionaryImpl(Ndb &ndb) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionaryImpl(Ndb &ndb, NdbDictionary::Dictionary &f) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
optimizeIndex(const NdbIndexImpl &index, NdbOptimizeIndexHandleImpl &h) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::optimizeIndex(const Index &ind, OptimizeIndexHandle &h) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
optimizeTable(const NdbTableImpl &t, NdbOptimizeTableHandleImpl &h) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::optimizeTable(const Table &t, OptimizeTableHandle &h) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
prepareHashMap(const Table &oldTable, Table &newTable) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
putTable(NdbTableImpl *impl) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
putTable(const Table *table) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
releaseIndexGlobal(const NdbIndexImpl &impl, int invalidate) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inline |
releaseRecord(NdbRecord *rec) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
releaseRecord_impl(NdbRecord *rec) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
releaseTableGlobal(const NdbTableImpl &impl, int invalidate) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | inline |
removeCachedIndex(const char *index, const char *table) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
removeCachedIndex(const Index *index) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
removeCachedObject(NdbTableImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
removeCachedTable(const char *table) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
removeCachedTable(const Table *table) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
removeIndexGlobal(const Index &ndbidx, int invalidate) const (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
removeTableGlobal(const Table &ndbtab, int invalidate) const (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
renameBlobTables(const NdbTableImpl &old_impl, const NdbTableImpl &impl) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
SchemaTransAbort enum value (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
SchemaTransBackground enum value (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
SchemaTransFlag enum name | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
set_local_table_data_size(unsigned sz) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
setNull(const NdbRecord *record, char *row, Uint32 attrId, bool value) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | static |
setTransporter(class Ndb *ndb, class TransporterFacade *tf) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
setTransporter(class TransporterFacade *tf) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
stopSubscribeEvent(NdbEventOperationImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
supportedAlterTable(NdbTableImpl &old_impl, NdbTableImpl &impl) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary::supportedAlterTable(const Table &f, const Table &t) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
updateIndexStat(const NdbIndexImpl &, const NdbTableImpl &) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
updateIndexStat(Uint32 indexId, Uint32 indexVersion, Uint32 tableId) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
updateIndexStat(const Index &, const Table &) (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
validateRecordSpec(const NdbDictionary::RecordSpecification *recSpec, Uint32 length, Uint32 flags) (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl | |
WarnDatafileRoundDown enum value (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
WarnDatafileRoundUp enum value (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
WarnExtentRoundUp enum value (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
WarnUndobufferRoundUp enum value (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
WarnUndofileRoundDown enum value (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | |
~Dictionary() (defined in NdbDictionary::Dictionary) | NdbDictionary::Dictionary | protected |
~NdbDictionaryImpl() (defined in NdbDictionaryImpl) | NdbDictionaryImpl |