MySQL 5.6.14 Source Code Document
This is the complete list of members for Ndb, including all inherited members.
BytesRecvdCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
BytesSentCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
checkUpdateAutoIncrementValue(TupleIdRange &range, Uint64 autoValue) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
ClientStatistics enum name (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
closeTransaction(NdbTransaction *) | Ndb | |
computeHash(Uint32 *hashvalueptr, const NdbDictionary::Table *, const struct Key_part_ptr *keyData, void *xfrmbuf=0, Uint32 xfrmbuflen=0) | Ndb | static |
computeHash(Uint32 *hashvalueptr, const NdbRecord *keyRec, const char *keyData, void *xfrmbuf, Uint32 xfrmbuflen) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | static |
CrashNode enum value | Ndb | |
createEventOperation(const char *eventName) | Ndb | |
DataEventsRecvdCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
dropEventOperation(NdbEventOperation *eventOp) | Ndb | |
EventBytesRecvdCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
flushIncompleteEvents(Uint64 gci) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
forceGCP() (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
get_free_list_usage(Free_list_usage *) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
get_ndb_cluster_connection() | Ndb | |
getAutoIncrementValue(const char *aTableName, Uint64 &autoValue, Uint32 cacheSize, Uint64 step=1, Uint64 start=1) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
getAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table *aTable, Uint64 &autoValue, Uint32 cacheSize, Uint64 step=1, Uint64 start=1) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
getAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table *aTable, TupleIdRange &range, Uint64 &autoValue, Uint32 cacheSize, Uint64 step=1, Uint64 start=1) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
getCatalogName() const | Ndb | |
getClientStat(Uint32 id) const (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
getClientStatName(Uint32 id) const (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
getCustomData() const (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
getDatabaseName() const | Ndb | |
getDatabaseSchemaName() const | Ndb | |
getDictionary() const | Ndb | |
getEventOperation(NdbEventOperation *eventOp=0) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
getGCIEventOperations(Uint32 *iter, Uint32 *event_types) | Ndb | |
getLatestGCI() (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
getMinDbNodeVersion() const (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
getNdbError() const | Ndb | |
getNdbError(int errorCode) | Ndb | |
getNdbErrorDetail(const NdbError &err, char *buff, Uint32 buffLen) const | Ndb | |
getNodeId() | Ndb | |
getReference() const (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | inline |
getSchemaName() const | Ndb | |
hupp(NdbTransaction *) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
init(int maxNoOfTransactions=4) | Ndb | |
initAutoIncrement() (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
InsertError enum value | Ndb | |
isConsistent(Uint64 &gci) | Ndb | |
isConsistentGCI(Uint64 gci) | Ndb | |
LockGlbChp enum value | Ndb | |
Ndb(Ndb_cluster_connection *ndb_cluster_connection, const char *aCatalogName="", const char *aSchemaName="def") | Ndb | |
Ndb_cluster_connection (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
Ndb_cluster_connection_impl (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
Ndb_internal (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbApiSignal (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbBlob (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbDictInterface (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbDictionary::Dictionary (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbDictionaryImpl (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbEventBuffer (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbEventOperationImpl (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbImpl (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbIndexOperation class | Ndb | friend |
NdbIndexScanOperation (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbOperation class | Ndb | friend |
NdbQueryImpl (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbQueryOperationImpl (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbReceiver (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbScanFilterImpl (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbScanOperation (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
NdbTransaction (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
nextEvent() | Ndb | |
NonDataEventsRecvdCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
NumClientStatistics enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
PkOpCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
pollEvents(int aMillisecondNumber, Uint64 *latestGCI=0) | Ndb | |
PollGuard (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
pollNdb(int aMillisecondNumber=WAITFOR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, int minNoOfEventsToWakeup=1) | Ndb | |
PrunedScanCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
RangeScanCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
readAutoIncrementValue(const char *aTableName, Uint64 &autoValue) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
readAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table *aTable, Uint64 &autoValue) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
readAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table *aTable, TupleIdRange &range, Uint64 &autoValue) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
ReadRestartGCI enum value | Ndb | |
ReadRowCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
ScanBatchCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
sendPollNdb(int aMillisecondNumber=WAITFOR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, int minNoOfEventsToWakeup=1, int forceSend=0) | Ndb | |
sendPreparedTransactions(int forceSend=0) | Ndb | |
setAutoIncrementValue(const char *aTableName, Uint64 autoValue, bool modify) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
setAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table *aTable, Uint64 autoValue, bool modify) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
setAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table *aTable, TupleIdRange &range, Uint64 autoValue, bool modify) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
setCatalogName(const char *aCatalogName) | Ndb | |
setCustomData(void *) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
setDatabaseAndSchemaName(const NdbDictionary::Table *t) | Ndb | |
setDatabaseName(const char *aDatabaseName) | Ndb | |
setDatabaseSchemaName(const char *aDatabaseSchemaName) | Ndb | |
setReportThreshEventFreeMem(unsigned thresh) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
setReportThreshEventGCISlip(unsigned thresh) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
setSchemaName(const char *aSchemaName) | Ndb | |
startTransaction(const NdbDictionary::Table *table=0, const char *keyData=0, Uint32 keyLen=0) | Ndb | |
startTransaction(const NdbDictionary::Table *table, const struct Key_part_ptr *keyData, void *xfrmbuf=0, Uint32 xfrmbuflen=0) | Ndb | |
startTransaction(const NdbRecord *keyRec, const char *keyData, void *xfrmbuf, Uint32 xfrmbuflen) (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
startTransaction(const NdbDictionary::Table *table, Uint32 partitionId) | Ndb | |
Table (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | friend |
TableScanCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
TamperType enum name | Ndb | |
TransAbortCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
TransCloseCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
TransCommitCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
TransLocalReadRowCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
TransStartCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
UkOpCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
UnlockGlbChp enum value | Ndb | |
usingFullyQualifiedNames() (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
WaitExecCompleteCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
WaitMetaRequestCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
WaitNanosCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
WaitScanResultCount enum value (defined in Ndb) | Ndb | |
waitUntilReady(int timeout=60) | Ndb | |
~Ndb() (defined in Ndb) | Ndb |