MySQL 5.6.14 Source Code Document
This is the complete list of members for MgmApiSession, including all inherited members.
abortBackup(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
bye(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
check_connection(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
create_nodegroup(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
drop_nodegroup(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
dump_events(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
dumpState(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
endSession(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
enterSingleUser(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
exitSingleUser(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
get_mgmd_nodeid(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
get_nodeid(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
getClusterLogLevel(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
getConfig(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
getConnectionParameter(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
getInfoClusterLog(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
getSession(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
getSessionId(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
getStatus(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
getVersion(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
insertError(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
listen_event(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
listSessions(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
logSignals(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
m_refCount (defined in SocketServer::Session) | SocketServer::Session | protected |
m_socket (defined in SocketServer::Session) | SocketServer::Session | protected |
m_stop (defined in SocketServer::Session) | SocketServer::Session | protected |
MgmApiSession(class MgmtSrvr &mgm, NDB_SOCKET_TYPE sock, Uint64 session_id) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
purge_stale_sessions(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
reloadConfig(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
report_event(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
restart(const class Properties &args, int version) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
restart_v1(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
restart_v2(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
restartAll(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
runSession() (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | virtual |
Session(NDB_SOCKET_TYPE sock) (defined in SocketServer::Session) | SocketServer::Session | inlineprotected |
setClusterLogLevel(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
setConfig(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
setConnectionParameter(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
setLogFilter(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
setLogLevel(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
setParameter(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
setTrace(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
show_variables(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
showConfig(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
SOCKET_TIMEOUT (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | static |
start(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
startAll(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
startBackup(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
startSignalLog(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
stop(const class Properties &args, int version) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
stop_v1(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
stop_v2(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
stopAll(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
stopSession() (defined in SocketServer::Session) | SocketServer::Session | inlinevirtual |
stopSignalLog(Parser_t::Context &ctx, const class Properties &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
transporter_connect(Parser_t::Context &ctx, Properties const &args) (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | |
~MgmApiSession() (defined in MgmApiSession) | MgmApiSession | virtual |
~Session() (defined in SocketServer::Session) | SocketServer::Session | inlinevirtual |